I first came across Corps Technique through IG and thought no way I can do that (I can barely touch my toes) but I decided to give the 7 day free trial of Streamline a go. I was completely shocked on how encouraging and relatable Kristen is. Her subtle form reminders happen as if she’s right in the room with me. Ha! This is full body work on another level. Even if the workout is labeled for a specific area trust me you are working it all!! I look forward to each day of the weekly schedule and love the recommended Spotify playlists. Thank you Kristen, your workouts are body and life changing!!! -JAIME

“Seeing muscles I didn’t know existed and I don’t even have to leave my living room.” - CHLOE

Kristen is amazing!! When I first found Corps Technique I purchased the Sculpt and Glow series. I liked it so much I started a free trial and began following the weekly schedule. It completely clicked for me and I love it! I’m 44, a mom of 2, and I work full time. I come from a background of competitive sports as a kid/teenager; a ‘gym rat’ through my late teens and 20s (taking every intense class possible); to running/ sprinting, bootcamps, cycling/Spinning, yoga, pilates, sculpt, HIIT, then every streaming platform I could find when I switched to home workouts. I’ve stuck with other methods for extended periods of time (1-3 years) with minimal results despite very clean eating and working out at least an hour a day, 6 days per week. While I maintained a curvy size 4, I was constantly fighting my body. I realized stress has been a big factor and my strenuous workouts were not helping me reach my goals - the combination actually worked against me (adrenal fatigue, weight gain, hormonal imbalance, increased appetite, sleep issues, etc...).

Within 2 weeks of following Streamline I noticed some changes taking place while maintaining my normal clean eating. My belly started to flatten, my butt and thighs began to tighten a bit (by far my most difficult area), and my posture significantly improved. Kristen’s classes are smart, efficient, focused, and never boring. The series she recommends in the daily schedule is brilliant and eliminates all of the guesswork. I contacted Kristen directly who was beyond supportive and responded to ALL of my questions (LOL!)! During the holiday break I took advantage of a flexible schedule and set up a private session with Kristen online. Total game changer!!! Kristen is truly incredible and such a delight!! She and I talked about my goals, body type/composition, previous experiences including injuries, and we got to it. It was the best class I’ve ever taken! She knew exactly what my body and mind needed. Afterwards I was completely recharged - feeling tighter, taller, and craving all of the delicious, healthy greens! Her positive attitude is infectious in the best way, and her depth of knowledge is clear. I’ve applied her tips to the Streamline classes and I feel fantastic! I’m so excited to continue!! - CHRISTINA

I love the Streamline workouts! My body feels like it is less puffy and I keep seeing places where I’m having more definition show.It started with my stomach smoothing out with less bulky muscles in my upper abs now I’m seeing more definition in my arms and legs and have noticed everything leaning out. The workouts feel so good and do not make me feel depleted or ravenous like other workouts have. I love the graceful well thought out classes and that I can choose to do just one quick video or add multiple videos together depending on my time. I also love that there is always new content added and combinations I have never seen before in other classes. -HEATHER

"Love Kristen's approach to movement. So targeted and the weekly program is the perfect amount of time to keep this busy mom of 3 consistent." —Allison

“Seeing muscles I didn’t know existed and I don’t even have to leave my living room.” - CHLOE

I first came across Corps Technique through IG and thought no way I can do that (I can barely touch my toes) but I decided to give the 7 day free trial of Streamline a go. I was completely shocked on how encouraging and relatable Kristen is. Her subtle form reminders happen as if she’s right in the room with me. Ha! This is full body work on another level. Even if the workout is labeled for a specific area trust me you are working it all!! I look forward to each day of the weekly schedule and love the recommended Spotify playlists. Thank you Kristen, your workouts are body and life changing!!! -JAIME

Kristen is amazing!! When I first found Corps Technique I purchased the Sculpt and Glow series. I liked it so much I started a free trial and began following the weekly schedule. It completely clicked for me and I love it! I’m 44, a mom of 2, and I work full time. I come from a background of competitive sports as a kid/teenager; a ‘gym rat’ through my late teens and 20s (taking every intense class possible); to running/ sprinting, bootcamps, cycling/Spinning, yoga, pilates, sculpt, HIIT, then every streaming platform I could find when I switched to home workouts. I’ve stuck with other methods for extended periods of time (1-3 years) with minimal results despite very clean eating and working out at least an hour a day, 6 days per week. While I maintained a curvy size 4, I was constantly fighting my body. I realized stress has been a big factor and my strenuous workouts were not helping me reach my goals - the combination actually worked against me (adrenal fatigue, weight gain, hormonal imbalance, increased appetite, sleep issues, etc...).

Within 2 weeks of following Streamline I noticed some changes taking place while maintaining my normal clean eating. My belly started to flatten, my butt and thighs began to tighten a bit (by far my most difficult area), and my posture significantly improved. Kristen’s classes are smart, efficient, focused, and never boring. The series she recommends in the daily schedule is brilliant and eliminates all of the guesswork. I contacted Kristen directly who was beyond supportive and responded to ALL of my questions (LOL!)! During the holiday break I took advantage of a flexible schedule and set up a private session with Kristen online. Total game changer!!! Kristen is truly incredible and such a delight!! She and I talked about my goals, body type/composition, previous experiences including injuries, and we got to it. It was the best class I’ve ever taken! She knew exactly what my body and mind needed. Afterwards I was completely recharged - feeling tighter, taller, and craving all of the delicious, healthy greens! Her positive attitude is infectious in the best way, and her depth of knowledge is clear. I’ve applied her tips to the Streamline classes and I feel fantastic! I’m so excited to continue!! - CHRISTINA

I love the Streamline workouts! My body feels like it is less puffy and I keep seeing places where I’m having more definition show.It started with my stomach smoothing out with less bulky muscles in my upper abs now I’m seeing more definition in my arms and legs and have noticed everything leaning out. The workouts feel so good and do not make me feel depleted or ravenous like other workouts have. I love the graceful well thought out classes and that I can choose to do just one quick video or add multiple videos together depending on my time. I also love that there is always new content added and combinations I have never seen before in other classes. -HEATHER

"Love Kristen's approach to movement. So targeted and the weekly program is the perfect amount of time to keep this busy mom of 3 consistent." —Allison