summer of Corps

define with Streamline

define with Streamline


a library of 80+ classes for anyplace, anytime


live weekly group workouts.


   a collection of programs and
   workout routines.


a library of 80+ classes for anyplace, anytime


live weekly group workouts.


a collection of programs and workout routines

A restorative style of movement that tones and shapes every body.

A restorative style of movement that tones and shapes every body.

"Love Kristen's approach to movement. So targeted and the weekly program is the perfect amount of time to keep this busy mom of 3 consistent." —Allison

"Love Kristen's approach to movement. So targeted and the weekly program is the perfect amount of time to keep this busy mom of 3 consistent." —Allison

New to Corps?

feel the foundations.

New to Corps?

feel the foundations.

New to Corps?

feel the foundations.

A gathering of guides, articles and recipes